Saturday, September 18, 2010

CQ Update #3...

Still hard at work on this project.  I've finally managed to finish embellishing every seam on this small quilt block - all 13 of them.  And the silk ribbon I've been waiting on has also arrived so I have everything I need (I hope) to finish the rest of the blocks.

Before I share the last 8 seam treatments, here's a picture of the block as it currently stands.

CQ nature block

It's starting to look fuller now that the seams are done.  Next, I'll add a bunch of silk ribbon embroidery to the rest of the spaces.

For seam #6, I stitched a Chevron stitch using 2 strands of green DMC floss.  Then I added these pink flower beads to the bottom.

Seam #6 - Chevron stitch and flowers

For seam #7, I first added a back stitch with 2mm green silk ribbon and then wrapped it with a darker green ribbon.  But when it was done, I didn't think it had much pizazz, so I went back and added the beaded cluster to either side using a pink seed bead on top of 2 red ones on top of 3 green ones.  I think they look like little flowers.  I lost count of how many times I stuck myself with the beading needle on this one.  It was a tight space and I was all thumbs!

Seam #7 - Beaded flowers

For seam #8, I did a Looped Ribbon stitch down the whole seam and then added small seed beads between each loop.

Seam #8 - Looped Ribbon and beads

For seam #9, I was having trouble thinking of new things and found this piece of trim in my stash.  I simply stitched it down on both sides.

Seam #9 - green trim

For seam #10, I used 2 strands of light green DMC floss and stitched a Feather stitch.  I then went back and added seed beads to the tip of each feather.

Seam #10 - Feather stitch and beads

For seam #11, again I used 2 strands of pink DMC floss to make a bunch of Lazy Daisy stitches in a fan shape.  I also made a couple of Lazy Daisy flowers on the bottom row as well.  And I'm finding almost none of the seams are complete without yet more seed beads stitched on them.

Seam #11 - Lazy Daisy stitches and beads

For seam #12, I used 4mm yellow silk ribbon to make Cross stitches.  I then came back with a 4mm burgundy silk ribbon and made 2 Colonial Knots between each one.

Seam #12 - Cross stitches and Colonial Knots

For the final seam, #13, I used 3 strands of a light pink DMC floss and made 5 Straight stitches in a fan shape.  I then went back and added an iridescent seed bead to the tip of each spoke.

Seam #13 - Straight stitches and more beads

I learned a lot from stitching each of these seams and got the chance to practice some stitches I've never tried before - like the Colonial Knot.  I had some trouble initially figuring out how to stitch it, but now I find it easier than making French Knots.  The book I used as my design inspiration for most of the seams is "An Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches and Motifs" by Linda Causee.  I highly recommend this book not only for ideas but also the how-to for each stitch.

So now I'm off to work on the rest of it, but first I'll leave you with a picture of David trying to sneak in the freezer once again...

David in the freezer

Until later...

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment" 
1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV).

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