September 3 - 9, 2011
Lots of stuff to report again this week! A few more purchases and lots more going out.
Let's start this time with what was added. First was the remaining
Jovial fabric I had been waiting for. This was the last of what I need for 3 quilts I have planned. I'm hoping to finish them all in time for Christmas this year, but considering one is a king-size quilt, time will tell.
New Jovial Fabrics |
From the top, there is half a yard of the Red Poinsettia, half a yard of the Red Grunge, 4.5 yards of the Black print and 2.75 yards of the Black Grunge. (I have to admit that I've loved this Grunge fabric in every color it's been produced. ) That's a total of 8.25 yards.
I also bought 2 Charm Packs this week. The first is
American Banner Rose by Minick & Simpson. I'm considering making my
Farmer's Wife quilt using this fabric line and wanted a sampling of it to see if I liked it. The answer is yes! I think it would make a gorgeous patriotic version of this quilt. Of course, yardage isn't available yet, so I'll have to wait a bit to get started. The other Charm Pack is
Hometown by Sweetwater. The colors match my sunroom and I've been wanting to make a table runner in there forever. This fabric is
perfect for it and I already have the quilt designed!
2 New Charm Packs |
Finally, I received a squishy in the mail last week that I didn't order. I was at a complete loss to explain it's presence. After asking around, I found out that a friend of mine sent it to me to cheer me up during my recent illness. Thank you
Thearica! That was really very sweet of you and the fabrics are just beautiful. There's a total of 1.25 yards here.
Surprise Squishy in the Mail |
So that's a respectable amount of fabric that came in this week. Fortunately, I used a lot more than that this time! Early in the week I finished this table topper,
Holly Jolly, and used 1.25 yards for the backing and binding. I mailed it to my sister and her children to use come Christmas. I think they were completely surprised to get a Christmas package in September.
Holly Jolly |
I gave away 8.5 yards of novelty prints to a friend to give to the Girl Scouts. They're making little bags for the
Beads of Courage Project. And I used 32.5 yards for the pillowcases I made. I washed and dried them today and dropped them off at my local quilt store. You can check
here to see if there's a donation spot near you (in case you want to make some as well). These will go to
children fighting cancer. (Ugh, those 3 words should never go together!)
Pillowcases |
(I've also decided to add in the fabric I donated earlier this year. It did leave my stash, so to more accurately reflect what's come in and gone out, I'm retroactively including it. Plus, it makes my numbers look so much better!) So...
Purchased-this-week: 11 yards
Used-this-week: 42.25 yards
Purchased-to-date: 318.5 yards
Used-to-date: 476 yards
Net used: 157.5
I recently bought some storage bins for use in our bedroom. I didn't have them home for more than 5 minutes before they were occupied...
Moses - making herself at home |
Until later...
God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.
Ephesians 2:10 (NCV)
Your cats are like mine. In any new container and on top of any quilt or fabric!