Sunday, August 21, 2011

Look at this beauty...

Mom's Winter Wonderland Top
It's not  mine.  Although I could wish it was.   My mom finished her Winter Wonderland top and brought it up to show me.  I think it's just gorgeous!

Mine is languishing away right now.  I've finished half the star blocks and the center of the quilt, but I'm having some gallbladder issues (I think) and so no sewing for me.  Actually, I'm not doing much of anything except lying around in bed or on the sofa.  Mr. Quilting Bug is being an angel and fetching me whatever I need, but I so want to get back to normal.  The pet hair around the place is driving me batty, but I figure God is using it's presence to build up my patience (not my strongest virtue).  He's also using the laundry for the same purpose right now.

In any case, I did manage to catch David at just the right moment today.  (Sorry the picture's so dark.)

David, mid-bath
I don't expect to be blogging much in the near future, but as soon as I feel up to snuff, I'll be back!

Until later...

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. 
Psalm 40:1 (NLT )


  1. Take care of yourself! QUilts and house work will wait!

  2. Hope your health problems get cleared up soon. Until then, it's good that you can look for a way to grow better rather than bitter. We'll miss you until you're ready for more blogging.

    How fun for your mom to drop by and share her amazing quilt top with you.

  3. Oh Dee!!!! Had no idea you were under-the-weather. Getting DEE back up-n-running is more important than the pet hair (or the laundry).
