Pet Stats
- Moses (female cat) is 9.8 lbs and 6 years 8 months old
- Jack (female cat) is 12.6 lbs and 10 years 7 months old
- Sam (female cat) is 15.8 lbs and 10 years 7 months old
- David (male cat) is 21.5 lbs and 2 years old
- Gabriel (female dog) is 57.6 lbs and 4 years 11 months old
Comparable Human Stats
- Moses is 98 lbs and 43.7 years old
- Jack is 126 lbs and 59.3 years old
- Sam is 158 lbs and 59.3 years old
- David is 215 lbs and 25.2 years old
- Gabriel is 36 years old (I don't know what the correlation in her weight would be other than she's fat.)
By the way, I just told Mr. Quilting Bug how old Gabriel is compared to us and his reply was, "I don't like to think of her as being that old." I kindly pointed out to him that I am currently 36 about to turn 37. Hmmm.
Until later...
"Be angry and do not sin ..."
Ephesians 4:26 (ESV)
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