Friday, November 6, 2009

On a roll...

I'm feeling such a sense of accomplishment today.  I've managed to finish a number of things on my todo list.  First I have completely finished the 2 Quilts for Kids quilts.  We're planning to mail them back around the end of the month, so I'm pleasantly surprised I've finished early!  I usually feel like I'm always working on things at the last minute.  They've even been washed and dried and I hope they cheer up the children that get them.

I'm going on my first ever quilting retreat next week.  Those who are veterans at these things suggested that I try to do most of my cutting at home so I can really get to the sewing.  I managed to get the fabric for 2 quilts completely cut up (including the backing and binding) and ready to go.  I have a 3rd quilt all in rows - they just need to be sewn together.  And I also finished the cutting for step 2 of Jan's mystery quilt.  Whoohoo!!!

And if that wasn't enough, I finally got around to dyeing some of my own fabric.  And I LOVED it! I will definitely continue to do it.  Next up is the Wild Strawberry gradation for my Crayon Challenge quilt.  (Was that a confusing sentence for anyone out there?)  I'm going to save the pictures until my next post.

We have a freeze warning here tonight, so make sure you stay bundled up.  Until next time, take care...

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